Samstag, März 11, 2006

Schnodda goes to Jochgrimm

Dear Schnodda,

I would like to be on your stell, because i need holiday. I think you will be good looking in your snowboardtrousers. But don`t forget to wear your under wear, because it could be fucking cold in the snow. when i was in Jochgrimm long time ago, i thougt i had through-fall because of the scheiße noodles, that it gave there every day. but it were only my days. so i could fahr weiter ski. i always legte me on the schnauz and then i musste lachen all the time. the teacher fand that very sympathisch. in the oberstufe i had that teacher in german. he always gave me a "very good", because he erinnerte himself at me. That umstand forhelf me to a very nice abi-note.
And the moral of the geschicht: don`t forget to lach, then it klapps also with the teachers and the abi.


Blogger Yoshi said...

LOL den Scheiß müsst ihr jetz ma den Däumler vorlesen lassen, daraus kann man ne Show machen die die quoten von TvTotal knackt!

2:05 PM  
Blogger DieDazi said...

schnodda, i also think you will freu youself that you are ski driving.the abi is not yet wichtig.we will see.yes i meinte mr barni.

5:23 PM  
Blogger DieDazi said...

taube, do you etwa have through-fall? you could be my brother, by me it also smells in da back.perhaps we are over six eggs verwandted (hahaaaaahha). well, now truly: you have lots of money, buy you a putze. or the cat living over you makes it, if you give it reis, baby. wenn it is fertig with putzing, you can strick you a mütze out of it. then you will be called an umweltsaver, because you make recycling youself. and you won`t get the birdgripp, because there are no bakterias in da house.

2:39 AM  
Blogger DieDazi said...

taube, me is falling something in: i schenkted you a klobrush some time ago. you could putz the bremsstripes weg with it. if you don`t want it, you have 9 other fingers you can do it with. you must not nehm the stinkefinger.that is also not the aufgabe of it. you must use it for other things. in the uni for example. there you can learn right english also. i hope, you forget not to make the pajencina weg, for it will be a puppenstube in da house.the cat will it thank you.

4:20 AM  
Blogger Lindarr said...

hey everybody! i knew garnot, that schnodda can schon english! you must have a very nice, good looking, four years older sister! that closing i out that! i think you wound drive ski. you will so done, than if you yourself hurts had, damit you don`t have to make sport! it`s always the same with you! you have nämlich shit in the bux! like taube! but taube have it alway! he like the smell! but schodda, i give you a important tipp: don`t eat your feednails, when others coud see you by that! it`s also not good, when you put your headhair in your nose, till you have to nieß! thats sowieso very emberresing! Let it!

2:53 PM  

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